How to Start your Own Burrito Fast Food Franchise with California Tortilla
High Quality Product
Since our inception it’s been clear that there is incredible demand for high-quality burrito fast food franchises. We have subsequently set a goal to provide all major markets with a California Tortilla as soon as possible, but we can’t do it alone. We are on the hunt for individuals that not only are passionate about providing a high quality product but also have the ability to execute our business model flawlessly. If this sounds like you we want to talk.

We are looking for partners who are ready to reimagine their lives. If you’re tired of the corporate grind; if you’re tired of not hitting your financial goals; if you’re tired of investigating the countless “run-of-the-mill” restaurant opportunities and want to do something truly unique — then we want to talk with you.
We are looking for business-savvy individuals who are understand the importance of great customer service and the value of having best-in-class products. A strong restaurant background is a plus, though it is not a firm prerequisite. California Tortilla’s operational platform and training enable you to be successful even if you don’t have a restaurant pedigree, provided you are willing to execute our proven systems.

You’re dedicated to customer service
Having the best Mexican food in town is a great way to get your customers to become repeat customers. But we want more than that — we want loyal Cal Tort fans for life. To achieve this, we know that we need exceptional and consistent customer service.

You have a business background
We’re actively seeking proven entrepreneurs and restaurant operators to award franchise agreements to. If you don’t have restaurant experience, but have a strong business management and customer service skills, you may still qualify to be awarded a Mexican grill franchise.

You’re a hard worker
There is a great community of successful, multi-unit California Tortilla Franchise Owners who enjoy the benefits of business ownership and can enjoy much more free time. But it doesn’t happen the day you are awarded an agreement. We’re looking for people who understand that initially a business like California Tortilla takes a good deal of effort to get up and running.

You’re an Owner/Operator
Before you can step back and hire managers for your Cal Tort store or stores, we like you to work in the restaurant full-time to ensure you have a deep understanding of all aspects of the operation. After which, we encourage you to step back and grow, grow, grow!
There For You
If you’re nervous about starting your own burrito fast food franchise, you’re not alone. Setting out on your own can be a scary thing, and many times can result in failure. But with our tried and true business model, California Tortilla will be there to help and support you. Over the last decade we’ve meticulously crafted a business model to ensure that our franchise owners are not left alone but are supported from the very beginning and have the very best chance to succeed.

Once it’s determined that you’ll be awarded your own franchise, California Tortilla and our excellent team of professionals will be there to guide you through the entire process. We’ll assist you in finding real estate, hiring your own staff, and all other aspects leading up to your grand opening. After years in the industry we’ve discovered that, to replicate the success we’ve experienced, we need to surround ourselves with partners who deeply care about and are passionate towards their business and are driven to succeed, and California Tortilla will be there to make sure you’re successful.
“What stood out was the freshness of the ingredients. The variety is limitless. The freshness of the ingredients, the choices, and the people. Every California Tortilla I’ve been to, people are just happy.”
Franchise Owner
Click the video to hear his story.
Motivated Individuals
In our quest to provide all major markets with a California Tortilla, we have learned a few things. Consumers are demanding their food be delicious and fulfilling and that, even during times of economic downturn, burrito fast food franchises continue to remain stable and we continue to experience impressive financial performance. To continue seeing this success we need motivated franchise owners to join our team and would urge you to take the first steps towards becoming a California Tortilla owner.