We are looking for partners who are ready to reimagine their lives. If you’re tired of the corporate grind; if you’re tired of not hitting your financial goals; if you’re tired of investigating the countless “run-of-the-mill” restaurant opportunities and want to do something truly unique — then we want to talk with you.
We are looking for business-savvy individuals who are understand the importance of great customer service and the value of having best-in-class products. A strong restaurant background is a plus, though it is not a firm prerequisite. California Tortilla’s operational platform and training enable you to be successful even if you don’t have a restaurant pedigree, provided you are willing to execute our proven systems.

You’re dedicated to customer service
Having the best Mexican food in town is a great way to get your customers to become repeat customers. But we want more than that — we want loyal Cal Tort fans for life. To achieve this, we know that we need exceptional and consistent customer service.

You have a business background
We’re actively seeking proven entrepreneurs and restaurant operators to award franchise agreements to. If you don’t have restaurant experience, but have a strong business management and customer service skills, you may still qualify to be awarded a Mexican grill franchise.

You’re a hard worker
There is a great community of successful, multi-unit California Tortilla Franchise Owners who enjoy the benefits of business ownership and can enjoy much more free time. But it doesn’t happen the day you are awarded an agreement. We’re looking for people who understand that initially a business like California Tortilla takes a good deal of effort to get up and running.

You’re an Owner/Operator
Before you can step back and hire managers for your Cal Tort store or stores, we like you to work in the restaurant full-time to ensure you have a deep understanding of all aspects of the operation. After which, we encourage you to step back and grow, grow, grow!